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Jeg er litt opptatt av det, i og med at jeg er utdannet kokk ;)
Ha en fin uke
Å, dette var elsk!! Liker veldig.
SvarSlettIt seems the fifth installment of the theatrical series, HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, continues breaking IMAX records over the course of its 7-week release, says Warner Bros replica handbags IMAX. The 3-D mega-screen edition of the 5th adventure has pulled in a worldwide total of 35 million receipts from IMAX theaters alone (24 mil from 91 domestic prints and another 11 replica wathces mil from 52 oversea prints). According to the gucci replica report, the film is averaging $243,000 chanel replica per screen. With these kind of numbers, "Order" is now the highest grossing live-action IMAX release of all time.
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